UGAC or the Undergraduate Academic Council of IIT Bombay, is a student body dedicated to improve the academic system and culture of the institute by working on various policies and conducting sessions to disseminate information.

It comprises of various divisions and clubs which cater to the specific needs of the undergraduate student community and work their best to ease out each student's academic journey and pave path to a brighter future.


Learners' Space

A collection of technical and non-techincal student taught courses on popular topics.


A one-stop community platform for extensive student reviews and ratings of courses.

UG Academics Blog

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UG Acad Wiki

A central hub for all the department and academic information.

Teaching Assistants Selection Portal

A common portal for handling the application, selection and feedback of the teaching assistants in the campus.

Scholarship Portal

A exhaustive guide to the research scholarships available to the students.